还原出厂设置 擦除frp_如何备份,擦除和还原Apple Watch
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还原出厂设置 擦除frp

还原出厂设置 擦除frp

The Apple Watch is, in its own right, a little tiny computer with data backup and security needs. Read on as we show you how to ensure your Apple Watch is backed up, wiped, and restored just like you’d do with your smartphone.

Apple Watch本身就是一台小型微型计算机,具有数据备份和安全需求。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何确保像使用智能手机一样备份,擦除和还原Apple Watch。

Whether you want to ensure your watch is backed up to the minute this moment, you want to wipe it clean before a sale or passing it onto a family member, or you want to know how to restore a backup after resetting your watch and updating the Watch OS, we’re here to help.


如何备份手表 (How to Backup Your Watch)

The Apple Watch does, conveniently, automatically back itself up during your regular iPhone backup process (so every time your iPhone is backed up either by manual iTunes backup or via iCloud backup your paired Apple Watch is also backed up). You may, however, wish to force process to immediately backup things up so you know the backup on the Phone is as current as possible.

Apple Watch确实会在常规iPhone备份过程中自动自动备份自身(因此,每次通过手动iTunes备份或通过iCloud备份备份iPhone时,也会备份配对的Apple Watch)。 但是,您可能希望强制进程立即备份内容,因此您知道电话上的备份是最新的。

什么是备份和不备份? (What Is and Isn’t Backed Up?)

Before we force the backup, let’s take a look at what is and what is not backed up during the process (the following lists apply to both the routine backups and the forced backups).


According to Apple the following things are backed up when you backup your Apple Watch:

根据Apple的说法,备份Apple Watch时会备份以下内容:

  • General system settings, such as your watch face, known Wi-Fi networks, brightness, sound, and haptic settings

  • Language

  • Time Zone

  • Settings for Mail, Calendar, Stocks, and Weather

  • App-specific data and settings, such as Maps, distance, and units

  • Health and Fitness data, such as history, achievements, and user-entered data (To back up Health and Fitness data, you need to use iCloud or an encrypted iTunes backup.)


Conversely, the following things are not backed up during the backup process:


  • Workout and Activity calibration data from your Apple Watch

    来自Apple Watch的锻炼和活动校准数据
  • Playlists synced to your Apple Watch

    播放列表已同步到您的Apple Watch
  • Credit or debit cards used for Apple Pay on your Apple Watch

    Apple Watch上用于Apple Pay的信用卡或借记卡
  • Passcode for your Apple Watch

    Apple Watch的密码

While some of the items not backed up make sense (like not backing up your credit card data) it’s worth noting that if you’ve done a lot of workouts that have significantly calibrated your activity data you may wish to skip a forced backup (which would wipe those settings).


强制备份 (Forcing a Backup)

Remember, and we’re emphasizing this again for clarity and to save you from adjusting the settings that are outside the backup process, you do not need to force a backup for general backup purposes. Your Apple Watch automatically backs up every time you connect to iTunes and sync/backup the iPhone it is paired with. It is also backed up if you have iCloud-based automatic backup.

请记住,我们再次强调这一点是为了清楚起见,并且为了避免调整备份过程之外的设置,您无需出于一般备份目的而强制执行备份。 每次您连接到iTunes并同步/备份与之配对的iPhone时,Apple Watch都会自动备份。 如果您具有基于iCloud的自动备份,还将对其进行备份。

The only time you need to perform the following process is if you wish to force a backup right before performing some administrative task like wiping the watch and reinstalling/upgrading the Watch OS (and you want to be certain the backup is up-to-the-minute current). Just backing up your iPhone doesn’t actually accomplish this up-to-the-very-minute backup because the backup workflow for the Apple Watch goes Watch to Phone to iTunes/iCloud. If you backup your Phone you’re just backing up the last Apple Watch backup and not creating a new and immediate backup of the device.

唯一需要执行以下过程的时间是,如果您希望在执行某些管理任务(例如擦拭手表并重新安装/升级Watch OS)之前强制执行一次备份(并且您想确保备份是最新的)分钟电流)。 实际上,仅备份iPhone并不能完成最新的备份,因为Apple Watch的备份工作流程是从Watch to Phone到iTunes / iCloud。 如果您备份手机,则仅备份最后一次Apple Watch备份,而不创建设备的新即时备份。

In order to force a backup outside of the routine automatic backups that occur in the background during your iPhone backup/syncing process, you’ll need to unpair the watch from the phone. We’d really prefer there was simply a “Backup Now” type option in the Watch OS settings menu, but at this time the only way to force the backup to unpair the device.

为了在iPhone备份/同步过程中强制执行后台自动备份以外的备份,您需要将手表与手机取消配对。 我们真的希望在Watch OS设置菜单中仅存在“立即备份”类型的选项,但这是强制备份取消设备配对的唯一方法。

To do so open up the Apple Watch app on your paired iPhone and navigate to menu entry for Apple Watch, then select “Unpair Apple Watch”. Confirm you wish to unpair the watch and sit back. It takes a few minutes for the as your iPhone backs up the watch and then unpairs it.

为此,请在已配对的iPhone上打开Apple Watch应用,并导航至Apple Watch的菜单项,然后选择“取消配对Apple Watch”。 确认您想取消手表的配对并坐下来。 当您的iPhone备份手表然后取消配对时,它需要花费几分钟的时间。

如何擦拭Apple Watch (How to Wipe Your Apple Watch)

The unpairing process wipes the watch after backing it up. There is a way to perform the wipe process (sans backup) on an Apple watch, however, if you 1) don’t currently have access to the original paired device or 2) never had access as you bought the watch used and the previous owner didn’t unpair it.

备份后,取消配对过程会擦拭手表。 有一种方法可以在Apple Watch上执行擦除过程(无备份),但是,如果您1)当前无法访问原始配对的设备,或者2)在您购买使用过的手表和以前购买的手表之前从未访问过所有者没有取消配对。

If you do have access to the host iPhone it’s much better to unpair from the phone as doing so will create a backup. If the backup is irrelevant (e.g. you’re wiping the watch before selling it on eBay) by all means proceed without concern for backing the data up.

如果您确实可以访问主机iPhone,则最好与手机取消配对,因为这样做会创建备份。 如果备份无关紧要(例如,在eBay上出售手表之前先擦拭手表),则无需担心备份数据。

重置Apple Watch (Resetting the Apple Watch)

If you’re resetting a watch without a passcode (or a watch for which you have the passcode and can unlock it) the process is as follows.


To unpair and reset the watch from the watch itself, press the watch crown to pull up the app menu and then select the Settings icon (the small gear). Within the settings menu select “General” and then “Reset”.

要取消手表的配对并从手表本身重置手表,请按表冠以拉出应用程序菜单,然后选择“设置”图标(小齿轮)。 在设置菜单中,选择“常规”,然后选择“重置”。

Within the “Reset” menu select “Erase All Content and Settings”. You’ll be prompted for your passcode (if you have one enabled) and then warned that all media, data, and settings will be erased. Select “Continue” to factory reset the watch.

在“重置”菜单中,选择“删除所有内容和设置”。 系统将提示您输入密码(如果已启用密码),然后警告您将清除所有媒体,数据和设置。 选择“继续”以将手表恢复出厂设置。

重置没有密码的Apple Watch (Resetting the Apple Watch without the Passcode)

If you cannot remember your passcode or the previous owner did not properly wipe the device before giving it to you, all is not lost. You can still perform a factory reset by hooking the Apple Watch as long as you have the charging cable handy. (Without the charging cable connected and applying a charge to the watch the following steps will not work.)

如果您忘记了密码或以前的所有者在将设备交给您之前没有正确擦除设备,则不会丢失所有信息。 只要您手握充电线,仍可以通过钩住Apple Watch来恢复出厂设置。 (在未连接充电电缆且未对手表充电的情况下,以下步骤将无效。)

Hook your Apple Watch up to the charging cable and then press and hold the side button on the watch until the Power Off menu comes up. Press and hold the on screen “POWER OFF” button until the “Erase all contents and settings” screen pops up. Press the “Erase all contents and settings” button to complete the reset of the Apple Watch.

将Apple Watch连接至充电线,然后按住手表上的侧面按钮,直到出现“关闭电源”菜单。 按住屏幕上的“ POWER OFF”按钮,直到弹出“清除所有内容和设置”屏幕。 按“清除所有内容和设置”按钮以完成Apple Watch的重置。

如何还原手表 (How to Restore Your Watch)

Restoring the data to the watch after is a snap and nearly identical the initial pairing process when you first link the Apple Watch to your iPhone. To restore your data simply open up the the Apple Watch app on your iPhone with your Apple Watch on hand.

首次将Apple Watch链接到iPhone后,将数据恢复到手表的过程很快,并且几乎与初始配对过程相同。 要恢复数据,只需打开Apple Watch,在iPhone上打开Apple Watch应用即可。

Select “Start Pairing” and then use the pairing tool (either via scanning your Apple Watch face with the iPhone camera or manually entering in the pairing data). When the pair is completed, you’ll be offered the option to “Set Up as New Apple Watch” or “Restore from Backup”.

选择“开始配对”,然后使用配对工具(通过使用iPhone相机扫描Apple Watch脸部或手动输入配对数据)。 配对完成后,将为您提供“设置为新的Apple Watch”或“从备份还原”选项。

Select “Restore from Backup” and then select the backup from the available list. Once you select the backup your iPhone will restore all the backed up data and settings (as outlined in the first section of this tutorial) and the pairing and restoration process is complete.

选择“从备份还原”,然后从可用列表中选择备份。 选择备份后,iPhone将还原所有备份的数据和设置(如本教程第一部分所述),并且配对和还原过程已完成。

Questions about your Apple Watch? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer them.

对您的Apple Watch有疑问吗? 请通过ask@howtogeek.com向我们发送电子邮件,我们将尽力答复他们。


还原出厂设置 擦除frp


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